Class Description
This class is designed to take an introductory look at ISO, light, composition, white balance, shutter speed, aperture, and other digital camera functions and teach you how to use them to your advantage. You will get the most out of this class if your camera features manual mode as well as automatic controls. Please bring your camera along with its instruction manual to class.
Take this class if learning how to use your camera to take incredible photographs is on your to-do list.
Next Steps...
Classes held at a location of your choice.
Zoom classes available for out of area students.
Prices vary based on group size.
1 on 1 instruction: $75 per person
2 - 3 people: $55 per person
4 - 10 people: $40 per person
NOTE: Please include in your email the name of the class you are requesting, possible dates and times of interest, and the number of people in your group. A member of the ISO team will work with you to finalize class details.